Sand Land – A Mediocre JRPG Experience

As a fan of Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs), I was excited to dive into the world of Sand Land. Developed by ILCA, Inc., this game promised a unique blend of fantasy and adventure in a desert setting. While the game has some redeeming qualities, I found the overall experience to be quite mediocre.

Story and Characters:

Sand Land revolves around a young thief named Cero, who finds himself in possession of a mysterious map that could lead to a hidden treasure. Alongside a motley crew of companions, including a stubborn princess and an eccentric scholar, Cero embarks on a journey across the vast desert to uncover the treasure’s truth. The plot itself is intriguing, with a few unexpected twists and turns, but the characters are ultimately forgettable. The dialogue can be cheesy and clichéd at times, and the character development is minimal. There is a lack of emotional connection with the characters, which makes it difficult to become fully invested in their stories.


The gameplay in Sand Land falls short of the high standards set by other JRPGs. Battles are turn-based, allowing players to strategically choose their actions based on the strengths and weaknesses of their characters and enemies. While this system works fairly well, the combat encounters can become repetitive and unchallenging after a while. The lack of variety in enemy types and the overuse of random encounters make the experience feel monotonous.

Exploration in Sand Land is confined to a linear path, with few opportunities for meaningful side quests or deviations from the main storyline. The desert setting, while initially visually striking, quickly becomes tedious due to the lack of environmental diversity. The sense of wonder and discovery that is present in other JRPGs is largely absent in Sand Land.

Graphics and Sound:

Visually, Sand Land’s art style is appealing, with a distinct, hand-drawn aesthetic. The environments and character designs are vibrant and colorful, capturing the essence of a fantastical desert world. However, the quality of the graphics is inconsistent, with occasional instances of poor animation and lagging frame rates.

The soundtrack in Sand Land is adequately composed, with memorable tracks that suit the game’s various locales and moods. However, the voice acting is subpar, with some performances feeling forced or wooden. The lack of emotion in the voice acting contributing to the overall disconnect with the characters.

Final Thoughts:

Sand Land has a few bright moments, but ultimately fails to deliver a truly engaging JRPG experience. A mediocre story, unmemorable characters, and repetitive gameplay make it difficult to recommend this game to fans of the genre. While the art style and music showcase potential, the overall presentation and execution leave much to be desired. If you are looking for a captivating JRPG with depth and replayability, I would recommend exploring other options before embarking on the journey that is Sand Land.

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